acadian metis surnames

However, that could change, at which time I may request more citation examples (or perhaps offer examples for inclusion). Perro = Perr(e)ault Laflamme=Laflim | Reply, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Benoit = Benway Cedula, Courville, Desmarais, Langevin, Pedrement, Ach, Ache, Hach, Hache, Harch, Harchey, Alain, Alen, Alin, Allain, Allen, Allin, Halin, Hlne, Alarie,Alary, Grandalary, Grantalarie, Halari, Halarie, Halary, Lary, Beaulieu, Lafontaine, Laroche, Perot, St-Aignan, St-Vincent, Alair, Alaire, Aler, Alere, Allair, Allaire, Aller, Halaire, Halere, Hallaire, Baril, Barrire, Labarre, Lart, Lavergne, Longpr, Bocage, Hautmny, Larpinire, Lincour, Neuville, Villeneuve, Vincelot, Amireau, Amireault, Mero, Miraud, Mirau, Miraux, Mireau, Mireault, Moreau, Arceneau, Arcenault, Arcenaux, Arceneau, Arsenau, Arsenault, Arsenaut, Arseneaut, Arseneaux, Archambau, Archambaud, Archambaux, Archambeau, Archambeault, Archambaux, Arshambo, Archampbeault, Gervais, Guibord, Janot, Sdilot, St-Martin, DeGasp, DelaChenaye, Duforillon, Forillon, Lachesnaye, Latousche, Baril, Godin, Houle, Lefebvre, Prville, St-Laurent, Bariau, Bariault, Barieau, Barillault, Barrillaut, Barillon, Barillot, Bario, Barrio, Boisvert, Laforest, Lamarche, Potvin, Thibodeau, Bartelemy, Barthelemi, Barthelemy, Berthelemy, Baudoin, Baudouin, Beaudoin, Beaudouin, Bodoin, Bodouin, Bowdoin, Baudereau, Baudrau, Baudrault, Baudreau, Baudriau, Baudrio, Baudro, Beaudreau, Beaudro, Bodreau, Albert, Bertrand, Dierc, Gourdeau, Hudon, Lebel, Martin, Montpellier, Philippe, Angard, Crespin, Guillemot, Malboeuf, Normandin, Rousseau, Sylvestre, Belang, Belanger, Belenger, Bellang, Bellanger, Bellenger, Bonsecours, Brisson, Delienne, Michand, St-Jean, Chevrefils, Gagnon, Germain, Goguet, Goyer, Lefebvre, Levasseur, Rotureau, Asselin, Bonneville, Gat, Gordiena, Remy, Abel, Labont, Laforest, Laguerre, Livernois, Berger, Brouillet, Fontaine, Hinse, Jolicoeur, Lajoie, Lariviere, Dauphin, Jean de Paris, Lamarzelle, Rigaud, Verbois, Barthiaume, Bertaume, Berthaume, Bertheaume, Berthiaume, Berthiome, Bertiaume, Bertiome, Geoffroy, Godin, Lafosse, Noel, Pelletier, Bartrand, Berterand, Bertran, Bertrand, Bertrant, Beaulieu, Desrochers, Durocher, Lafleur, St-Arnaud, Toulouse, Bilaudau, Bilaudeau, Bilaudeaux, Bilaudo, Bileaudeau, Billaudeau, Billodeau, Billodo, Bilodau, Bilodeau, Bilodo, Bilodos, Belair, Bienvenu, Blais, Lajeunesse, Lavigne, Lefebvre, Avon, Berneche, Bilmer, Bonneau, Lapierre, Leclerc, Bouchard, Despres, Germain, Gurin, Talon, Belleville, Dorval, Ouellet, Saucier, St-Pierre, Vallee, Barbel, Belleville, De Boucherville, De Grosbois, De Labroquerie, Delabruere, Demontbrun, De Niverville, Denois, Desrosiers, Baudria, Baudrias, Beaudria, Bodria, Boudria, Boudrias, Boudrau, Boudraut, Boudreau, Boudro, Boudrot, Boudreaux, Boudraux, Boulang, Boulanger, Leboulanger, Leboullanger, Boulai, Boulait, Boulay, Boul, Boulet, Boulette, Boull, Boullet, Borbeau, Bourbau, Bourbaut, Bourbeau, Bourbeaux, Bourbonais, Bourbonnais, Bourbonnois, Bourbonois, Bourbonier, Bourboniere, Bourbonnier, Bourbonniere, Bourgau, Bourgault, Bourgaut, Bourgos, Bourgot, Brau, Braud, Brault, Breau, Breault, Bro, Brod, Bros, Brost, Brox, Brasau, Brasault, Braseau, Braso, Brasot, Brasseau, Brazau, Brazeau. Favreau = Favero Your email address will not be published. The Mikmaqs originally covered Prince Edward Island (le Saint-Jean), most of Nova Scotia, and some of the New Brunswick Acadie area. You can search for these orange surnames in the Marriage Indexor by using the Search Box in the sidebar. The following list was drawn-up for the Grand Pr National Historic Site by historian Brenda Dunn of Canadian Parks Service: To purchase the CD-ROM or Digital Download of your Family Tree Genealogy database, click here, To purchase your Family Tree Genealogy database, click here, More Variations/Derivatives of French surnames, Aba(i)r(e) = Hbert (Added link to native americans naming page. Deaette = Deyette There are also several Irish families (Caissy/Casey, Gunard/Gainer, Long, Onel/ONeale), three English (Druce, Granger, Hensaule/Henshaw), one Scottish (Jeanson/Johnson), one Flemish (Pitre), one from the Channel Islands (Semer), and even one from Croatia (Mathieu). Fleury = Flowers Ttreault = Tatro General History I refer to this book frequently, usually togther with Denis Jean's book. Sans Laurent = St. Laurent I'll put them into the draft of the DNA page I sent you, as this page is for Acadian metis research. Prince Edward Island Cultural Groups FamilySearch 3 (2017) : 1014. You might want to leave another comment under that post so the right people see your comment. Posted by James P. LaLone on December 16, 2010 at 9:47pm in French-Canadian Descendants. Flowers = Fleury Brooks = Rousseau Known Tribes McDonald & Var. My genealogy was here in the new world as early as the 1500s. I expect to be using mostly mtDNA Confirmations from Mothers of Acadia and from Quebec mtDNA. Lof(f)ler = Lafleur Tout droits rserv. Goodroe = Godreau/Gaudreau Most of these claims are to a "Mtis" identity, though many also claim "Abenaki" and . Landreville = Lunderville Racine = Root Mnard = Maynard I am currently working with Cindy Borque on the Capela line, with the intention of working through the generations toward the David sisters. Proulx = Prue Some of these may have come from France, also as I said Acaidian, through New Foundland to La. Lefebvre = Lefave, Lafave, Bean Grenier = Greenia Jacques | Abenaki, Amalecite, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibwa, Janvier | Metis, Chipewyan, Dene FEB 2023, Jean, John, Johnny | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Delaware, Salish, Shushwap, Slavey, Johnson | Metis, Cayuga, Chip., Mikmaq,Mohawk, Six Nations, Tusc. Shontelle = Chantal March 16, 2020 Cell: 3482543130 | Email: Home; Azienda; Logistica. A DNA genealogy workshop has been offered with his assistance since fall 2017 and a collaboration has been set up on the occasion of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the family of Louis Hbert and Marie Rollet. In 1808, Spain's American colonies, one by one, began to fight for independence. Evelyn, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Native Americans, French Canadians and Intermarriage - USGenNet Turner = Letourneau Levesque = Levick Jalbert=Hulburt | Reply. Required fields are marked *. Drinkwine = Boivin Dismiss. Cousineau = Cousino [ Aubois DNA studies] Accessed DATE., citation: Rundquist, Marie. ), Fill in the verbiage pertaining to that person in the blockquote, Fill in the page number for the specific entry and a quote of the relevant information plus any underlying source that was used, Fill in the page number for the specific entry, Enter the date you accessed this, and a page number where found. Shangraw = Gingras Establishing an ancestral signature actually requires a minimum of two relevant participants. A Closer Look at Some Records by Stephen A. White; Acadian Ancestral Home These are either Surname Anchor Posts or Early French Canadian Pioneer Posts. Contenu historique et gnealogique: vrif par Roger Guitard, Denis Savard, Victorin Mallet et Audrey Waltner. Tourangeau | Cree, Salteaux, Chippewyan,Metis. Longway = Langevin Simard = Seymard February 14, 2022 List of Metis Surnames of Ontario A Canadian Family Theriault = Tereo ), Ojibway, Jackson | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois. Acadia-Mtis Mothers - Surnames | FamilyTreeDNA Mi'kmaq Genealogy: Mtis:Acadian Ancestral Home. Desparts = Desport David | Algonquin,BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Cree, Iroq. Cinq-Mars = St. Mars No offence was intended! Iroquois Mixed. Bouthillier = Butler | Reply. A couple can be married persons or persons having a child. Marielle Ct Gendreau Boucher = Bushey Ostiguy = Austin Bolduke = Bolduc Click here to go to MyHeritage to get started today! With more than half-a-million lineage-linked individuals available, we are the number one source on the web of Acadian genealogy information. This mtis is not the same as Metis Nation, which is defined differently and is much more recent. (We keep families "together" for project view purposes.). Let's discuss that. . Goosie = Gousy Bernard | Metis, Algon., Chippewa, Maliseet, Micmac, Abenaki, Cree, Iroq., Fr. Viens = Cummings Duchaine = Duchesne Posted by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Charbonneau = Cole This is on my fathers mothers side, I am tracing my fathers paternal side and found out that I have in the Robin side Metis going back to Kaskaskia Il. Laf(f)ler = Lafleur Willet(te) = Ouellette, Yandow=Guindon Additionally, there are two other Maloney yDNA testers whose kits are on FTDNA, but have not (yet) joined the Quebec ADNy project. "The Quebec yDNA Project studies the ancestral signatures typical of the pioneers that originally settled the St. Lawrence Valley. 1703. Jacques = Jacks French_Heritage_DNA - Background | FamilyTreeDNA The list is presented in three parallel columns. Gerard = Girard/Girouard Cummings = Viens Grigwire = Grgoire Dussault = Deuso, Farnsworth = Phaneuf Courtemanche = Shortsleeves Laflour = Lafleur Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Johnston / Johnstone Metis, BC First Nations,Blackfoot, Mixed: Ojib., Eng., Fr., Scot. An exception to this would be if the person ever was referred to as Metis (the Metis Nation) in records even if their originated tribe was known. The Quebec mtDNA project: Shonyo = Chagnon . Butler = Bouthillier acadian metis surnames The goal of these posts is to gather all the links to information about one surname on one post so that it is easier to find. However, we know that she was Gaspesienne. I suggest we take the Acadians project off his wife and use it on the daughters when appropriate. (2020, May). Lanctt = Languedoe, Langdo, Loncto, Lonto, Laucto, Longtoe P.S. Demarey = Demarais MTIS GENEALOGY RESEARCH. Sometimes their actual surname is known, occasionally they were given a name, and even more often their surname is Unknown. Book; paperback. Marielle Ct Gendreau Quenneville=Kenville Perr(e)ault = Perro Use this sticker for those in southern Acadia which became Maine: {{Native American Sticker|tribe=Penobscot}}, substituting tribe name or left blank if not known. Goodheart = Bunker, Boncoeur Shortsleeves = Courtemanche Rundquist, 2012. Lareau = Laroe/Larrow What about her children? Mas(s)on = Maison Laliberte | Metis, Chippeway, Mixed Cree, Fr. I just kept digging and finally the dots started to connect, and these names became part of my familly.. Morris = Maurice, Obin = Aubin These names I kept seeing every once in a while during my searching other lines taking me back to Canada. Potvin = Pudvah There also appear on the list, the names of a number of families whose members played extraordinary roles in Acadian history. Mor(r)o(w) = Moreau Seymard = Simard Como = Comeau Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but Ive also added a few from more recent generations. French-Canadian, Acadian, Cajun & metis surnames sites & bibliography Brooks = Rousseau Brow = Brault Buckwheat = Sarrazin Bunker = Boncoeur, Goodheart Bushey = Boucher Buskey = Bousquet Butler = Bouthillier Button = Boutain, Boutin Chagnon = Shonyo Chainey = Sheni Chantal = Shontelle Charbonneau = Cole Charron = Sharron Chauvin = Shover Chicoine = Shequin Cinq-Mars = St. Mars Cir = Cyr Clokey/Clouckie = Cloutier Charboneau, Menard, Roy, Fortier. The term, "Souriquois", means "salt water men" and was commonly used by early French explorers and settlers of our lands to describe the Mi'kmaw People of the Nova Scotia mainland and sea . Use shippingfriend to save 15% on two or more CD purchases. Noleggio; Soppalchi in carpenteria metallica; Scaffalature cantilever Nevertheless, the exceptions to this rule are perhaps more interesting than those conforming to the norm. [ Founding Mothers of Acadia]. Lavigne = Lev(i)en(e), Laveen Private Messages: Maryland: M.A. Bushey = Boucher Bouchard | Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Boucher | Metis, Beaver, Cree, Ojibway, Pagan, Bourque | Metis, Abenaki, Chipewyan, Cree, Huron, Irish, Boyer | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Saulteaux Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, Brook, Brooks | BC First Nations, Dennay / Dene, Haida, Malecite / Maliseet, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Wyandotte Feb 2023. ''Amerindian Marriages from the Dictionnaire gnalogique des familles acadiennes''. Groulx = Grew This was a first marriage for Richard Denys. Duchene = Duchesne if you need to email me, you can reach me at,, Looking for Latanville, Botineau or contois. Brazo, Brazot, Acadien, Cadien, Deslauriers, Duhamel, Gaudet, Langevin, Laniel, Desrochers, Desroches, Durocher, Lapierre, Laroche, Brosard, Brossar, Brossard, Brossart, Broussard, Duchesneau, Lafontaine, Langevin, Pontoise, Brouseau, Broussau, Brousseau, Brousseaux, Bruseau, Brusseau, Carrier, Duplessis, Laforet, Laroque, St-Antoine, Belhumeur, Bourbonnais, Dauphin, Lasabloniere, Ltang, Cahouet, Cahouette, Caouet, Caouete, Caouette, Campau, Campaut, Campeau, Campo, Campos, Campost, Campot, Bondy, Chevalier, Jacquet, Labont, Lefebvre, Mzire, Carbonau, Carboneau, Carboneaux, Carbonnau, Carbonneau, Carbonneaux, Carbono, Boutin, Chevalier, LHeureux, Leroux, Renaud, Theriault, Carignan, Carignant, Carignian, De Carignan, Deschamps, Desruisseaux, Dussault, Gauthier, Latulippe, Laviolette, Verret, Vidal, Cari, Carier, Cariere, Carri, Carrier, Carrire, Casavan, Casavent, Cazavan, Cazavant, Cazavent, Castongay, Castonguay, Castongue, Gastongay, Gastonguay, Chambellan, Chamberlan, Chamberland, Chamberlang, Champerlant, Chambrelan, Chambreland, Chambrelant, Andegrave, Aubin, Beaugrand, Dupr, Fontenelle, Foureur, Fugre, Gouin, Henault, Lalanne, Lambert, Laplante, Magnan, Orion, Rmy, St-Martin, Sylvestre, Tareau, Chapelain, Chapelin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chappelain, Bourg, Guyon, Janot, Jolicoeur, Langoumois, Renaud, Chapeu, Chappu, Chapput, Chapu, Chapue, Chapus, Chaput, Belhumeur, Chapa, Cuisinier, Maurice, Senez, Chabonneau, Charbonau, Charbonault, Charboneau, Charbonnau, Charbonneau, Charbonneaux, Daunais, Deouatique, Hbert, Lveill, Martin, Sanscartier, Blondeau, Desjardins, Seigneur, St-Laurent, Chasteauneuf, Chatauneuf, Chateauneuf, Cartoneuf, Antaya, Desranleau, Dumontet, Meneu, Montauban, Pelletier, Beaulieu, Bernet, Jouinne, Normand, St-Germain, Chomedey, Chomedy, Dechaumedey, Dechomeday, Dechomedy, Chambly, Labont, Lapointe, Lariviere, Leonard, Beaupr, Blanger, Buisson, Daumont, Fagnan, Lessard, Magny, St-Amour, Beaudreau, Bouilleron, Brusseau, DEstreme, Fordet, Garnier, Hugues, Hujot, Janet, LaFontaine, Marc, Rousse, Rousseau, Royer, Barette, Berthelot, Breslay, Perrault, Rossignol, Thibier, Fris, Grignon, Languedoc, Lefris, Lilois, Beaumont, Deschnes, Desecors, Desilets, Desprs, Dupuis, Lafleur, Lepine, Lilois, Abraham, Baret, Billy, Cadieux, Desmarais, Herault, Lefebvre, Piette, St-Michel, Cousinau, Cousinault, Cousinaut, Cousineau, Cousino, Cousinot, Couzinaud, Babin, Bourgault, Corbin, Defoy, Fevrier, Gamelin, Hubert, Langevin, Lefebvre, Roberge, Thibodeau, Corteau, Crauteau, Crotau, Croteau, Croto, Crottau, Crotteau, Crotto, Cir, Cire, Cyr, Cyre, Sir, Sire, Siree, Sirre, Syr, Syre, Dagenais, Dagenai, Dagenes, Dagenest, Dagenet, Leprince, Lajeunesse, Lepine, Pigeon, Roux, Roy, Dalair, Dalaire, Dalere, Dallaire, Daller, Dallere, Dechaine, Dechene, Dechenes, Dechenne, Dechesne, Deschaine, Deschaines, Deschene, Deschenes, Deschennes, Deschesne, Deschesnes, Deletancour, Demousel, Languedoc, Paradis, Pelletier, Derocher, Derochers, Desrocher, Desrochers, Desrochets, Dehais, Dehayes, Dehays, Dehes, Deshaies, Deshayes, Beaudin, Charbonnier, Delboeuf, Louvard, Roy, Verger, Zacharie, Bertrand, Duquet, Houde, Jean, Perrault, Sevestre, Devau, Devaux, Deveau, Deveaux, Devost, Devot, Devots, Jolicoeur, Parisien, Perouard, Sanscartier, Deslauriers, Desprs, Dumontier, Dutilly, Guyon, Lemoine, Sansoucy, Bernier, Devidepoche, Jolicoeur, Moreau, Sansoucy, Guyon, Deroin, Derouen, Derouin, Droin, Drouen, Drouin, Breton, DeBlaignac, Foulon, Grossetete, Gueret, Lambert, Laviolette, Marchand, Poitevin, Aimar, Aimard, Aimart, Aymar, Aymard, Aymart, Emart, Haimard, Haymard, Hemard, Hemart, Deslauriers, Gosselin, Ladouceur, Poitevin, Belanger, Blais, Bourget, Clrinm Durivage, Lamadeleine, Lamontagne, Laprairie, Philippe, Pont, Lajeunesse, Lalancette, Laperiere, Larose, Montferrand, Raymond, Charon, Cloutier, Desrosiers, Dufay, Failly, Mandeville, Martin, Piette, Blais, Forget, Goddu, Granger, Labont, Mignault, Paquet, Farland, Ferlan, Ferlant, Frelan, Freland, Frelan, Barbeau, Benoit, Jean, Joli, Labranche, Larose, Lefort, Morin, Tessier, Tiriac, Bellefontaine, Lafortune, Lagrandeur, Paris, Plermel, Belleval, Desilets, Dufresne, Hebert, Lagrenade, Larose, Lesprit, Prfontaine, Vivier, Gagnion, Gaignon, Gangnon, Ganion, Gasnion, Galipau, Galipaux, Galipot, Gallipau, Gallipeau, Galypo, Gaudais, Gaud, Gaudet, Gaudette, God, Godet, Godete, Godette, Gaudereau, Gaudrau, Gaudreau, Gaudro, Goderau, Godereau, Godreau, Godro, Boisverdun, Brulon, Caron, Delaverandrye, DeVarennes, Frappedabord, LaFrance, Landreville, Larouche, Rabot, Saguingorra, St-Germain, Archambault, Beaudoin, Beausejour, Dupuis, Harnois, Houde, Houle, Parisien, Rivard, Servais, Talbot, Gamelin, Hubert, Jeangource, Rivard, St-Franois, Gerard, Geraut, Gerhart, Giar, Girardeau, Girard, Girare, Girart, Girord, Girore, Girouard, Giard, Guerard, Gyrard, Breton, Brindamour, Derain, Devorlay, Girardin, Jeanpierre, Jolicoeur, Larochelle, Miot, Provenal, Sanschagrin, Geroir, Gerroir, Giouard, Giroir, Girroir, Jirouard, Gaudain, Gauden, Gaudin, Godain, Goddin, Godin, Beausejour, Boisjoli, Catalogne, Chatillon, Felix, Lapoterie, Lauliere, Lincourt, Prescot, Tourangeau, Valcourt, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudro, Godereau, Godrault, Godreault, Godro, Godrot, Goodrow, Guibau, Guibaut, Guibeau, Guibo, Guilbau, Guilbaud, Guilbault, Guilbaux, Guilbeau, Guillebault, Guillbeau, Dion, Dionne, Gion, Guillon, Guion, Guyon, Gyon, Yon, Buisson, Desprs, Dumontier, Durouvray, Dutilly, Frenette, Lemoine, Abaire, Abare, Abbot, Ebart, ber, bert, Heber, Heberd, Hbere, Hebert, Herber, Herbert, Hesbert, Hibbart, Hubert, Beaumont, Couillard, Deslauriers, Jolicoeur, Lambert, Larose, Laverdure, Lecompte, Lenoir, Manuel, Henrichon, Jarry, Laforge, Lahaye, Neveu, Madore, Bellefeuille, Blosse, Bonin, Demers, Derousseau, Desrochers, Desruisseaux, Gervais, Houle, Leclerc, Desruisseaux, Durocher, Gervais, Lafranchise, Janson, Jansonne, Jeanson, Jeansone, Johnston. Trudo = Trudeau Tatro = Ttreault Change). Thibeau = Teboh Grashaw = Grandchamps Lunderville = Landreville [ mtDNA Proven Origins]. [[Category: Abenaki]], Indigeneous People Married to Acadians (first known generation only) Trombley = Tremblay Savard | Metis, Cree, Mixed heritage: Montagnais. Mitchell | Metis, Algon., Chippewa,Iroq., Malecite, Mikmaq, Fr. The goal of this project is to create a series of mini-indexes that make it easier to access information about surnames on this site that are associated with indigenous, Metis or mixed-heritage individuals. Co-Administrators There is also a name beside hers that I am assuming that it is her last name. I'm just trying to understand where we draw the line, because I rely on two sites: Our Gaspe Roots, run by Aldo Brochet and Lani Baker. Pecor = Picard Lang(ue)do(e) = Lanctt WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. One major goal of this Quebec yDNA Project is the uncovering of the ancestral yDNA signatures typical of lineages whose documented history may reach the Champlain era (1604-1635) in North America. Phone: (510) 832-0311. Acadian History:Mtis History:Acadian Ancestral Home Acadian Genealogy is important to us and three generations of my family have worked hard to create a library of the Acadian surnames and their family connections. Fontaine = Fountain/Spring I also rely upon Mothers of Acadia and the Quebec yDNA and mtDNA projects. I saw Lavigne. These change frequently so the date is important,, Unknown (Mi'kmaq) Unknown (abt.1605-bef.1639), Marie Mathilde (Penobscot) Pidianske (bef.1658-abt.1720), Marie (Penobscot) Pidiwammiskwa (abt.1665-), Marie Christine Aubois (abt.1665-aft.1730), Marie Thrse (Mi'kmaq) Unknown (1668-1717), Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763).

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acadian metis surnames