binance leverage calculator

","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname17","shortlabel":"","index":7,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Contract Value","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". Our position size and leverage calculator helps traders to find out the maximum amount of leverage they can use without getting liquidated based on available margin, entry price and stop loss price. If you use the isolated margin mode, leave it blank. But there is help available in the form of Leverage liquidation. For a quick communication with me, write to the telegram.All crypto articles are here. If your position size is higher than 10,000 USDT for the ETHUSDT perpetual contract, something like a 12,000 USDT position, you should select 0.65% as your maintenance margin rate and enter 15 in the maintenance amount field. In this case, the commission will be calculated as follows: (30 000 * 10 * 0,1%) + (20 000 * 10 * 0,1%) = 300+200 = 500. If you want to use 7x leverage, you can enter 7 in the leverage field. Therefore, the unrealized PNL for futures is calculated using similar formulas: In addition, when trading futures, it is important to consider total margin collateral and liquidation threshold: Collateral = initial collateral + realized PNL + unrealized PNL. This means that the realized PNL = $ 100,000 $ 700 = $ 99,300. This trade initially would . Fee Schedules for Trading on the Binance Exchange. Blockchain and crypto asset exchange. You can adjust the leverage according to your needs, and all position sizes are calculated based on the contract's notional value (USDT or BUSD denominated). In other words, it shows what the potential rewards for each $1 you risk on an investment are. 4. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 6,500. All rights reserved. This section will only discuss how PNL is calculated when trading on Binance margin. If you trade coin-margined futures contracts, enter your position size (the number of contracts bought / sold) and the value of one contract in USD. You can choose the leverage level by moving your cursor along the slider bar. Let's begin by understanding what a futures fee is. Solve math problem. If you are in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. How to adjust your leverage. Adjust position bracket in each tier 3. Binance futures calculator is explained in this video, and in this tutorial it's shown how to effectively use Binance calculator in futures trading. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname6","shortlabel":"","index":4,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"If your margin mode is isolated, you can leave it blank. Step 5: Enter your USD-M or COIN-M Futures wallet balance if you use the cross margin mode. The result for the initial margin, PnL, and ROE will be displayed on the . []){switch(_0x53b376[_0x44636a++]){case'0':_0x4a27cb[_0x12302e]=_0x2d5e74;continue;case'1':var _0x12302e=_0x1303a1[_0xa8e9d9];continue;case'2':_0x2d5e74['toString']=_0x2b6ab7[_0x497581(-0x9f,-0x63,-0x84,-0xa0)]['bind'](_0x2b6ab7);continue;case'3':_0x2d5e74['__proto__']=_0x5502b7['bind'](_0x2c575c);continue;case'4':var _0x2b6ab7=_0x42977b[_0x12302e]||_0x2d5e74;continue;case'5':var _0x2d5e74=_0x582ff7[_0x261df4(0x28d,0x297,0x2a0,0x294)+'r'][_0x261df4(0x2ab,0x2ab,0x2b8,0x2b9)][_0x261df4(0x27f,0x293,0x278,0x2ac)](_0x1629dd);continue;}break;}}else{var _0x1c978e=_0x2d050a[_0x497581(-0xab,-0xa2,-0xa3,-0xb6)+'r'][_0x497581(-0x79,-0x78,-0x8f,-0xa8)]['bind'](_0x2d050a),_0x2e9ff0=_0x5b308d[_0xfabbbd],_0x3297f7=_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]||_0x1c978e;_0x1c978e[_0x497581(-0x92,-0x92,-0x91,-0xac)]=_0x2d050a[_0x261df4(0x29a,0x293,0x28d,0x28f)](_0x2d050a),_0x1c978e[_0x261df4(0x2c2,0x2b6,0x2d1,0x2a1)]=_0x3297f7[_0x497581(-0x64,-0x87,-0x84,-0x78)][_0x497581(-0xbc,-0x98,-0xa7,-0xca)](_0x3297f7),_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]=_0x1c978e;}}});_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30e,0x2f7,0x2e9,0x2e2)](_0x3a017a);if(fieldname12=='28'&&_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x158,0x14e,0x13a,0x160)](fieldname15,'3'))return _0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x318,0x333,0x30d,0x337)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x16a,0x145,0x13d,0x14e)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30c,0x307,0x2e8,0x315)](_0x236731['FXkjt'](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),fieldname2*fieldname3);function _0x59eff4(_0x210d6c,_0x1d1317,_0x40b344,_0x26e6d9){return _0x90aa(_0x26e6d9-0x66,_0x210d6c);}if(_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30b,0x2fe,0x308,0x2e0)](fieldname12,'04')&&_0x236731['fMcpP'](fieldname15,'3'))return-_0x236731['cxJaF'](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x131,0x156,0x123,0x133)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x127,0x11e,0x14c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x147,0x138,0x154)](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x313,0x31c,0x328,0x318)](fieldname2,fieldname3));if(_0x236731['TFiIe'](fieldname12,'28')&&fieldname15=='4')return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15b,0x152,0x170,0x15e)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x120,0x164,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x177,0x158,0x143,0x154)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32c,0x31b,0x328,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8);if(fieldname12=='04'&&_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32a,0x338,0x34f,0x314)](fieldname15,'4'))return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x11b,0x134,0x127)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x14a,0x12f,0x124,0x130)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8,_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x144,0x15c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x31d,0x311,0x336,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7));}()));function _0x38b9(){var _0x40d57b=['info','iKnPD','sNjUx','pxtAs','SoeFL','fxnCJ','bind','nction()\\x20','table','CdvkI','constructo','657412wekIrH','7852bFxNXN','IIKrY','FIhlE','console','eaghC','zVuqX','jiAYU','QdAOd','TFiIe','dPoCR','uWmvs','warn','NJzAb','674125eIQMYS','120168AVbckQ','FtMuX','__proto__','voVVx','prototype','TvXNz','CGZyG','(((.+)+)+)','oaBWh','SGHWM','dtFyL','tzJeJ','rn\\x20this\\x22)(','hHZvk','split','toString','fJmVM','9bNfTce','fdBmZ','3133240RSAMBW','lVsAP','153qNCtDx','IqrOR','fMjYr','FXkjt','765414UTtReI','efoVJ','mfZPy','dkael','snrWV','apply','GazVr','LUQMJ','{}.constru','QoKYz','qmdQr','NTtUC','FPbTc','6tuycDx','pHmNp','trace','log','PetPP','xExxd','yhHNz','search','38332dGArpV','cxJaF','PakNC','error'];_0x38b9=function(){return _0x40d57b;};return _0x38b9();}","min":"","max":"","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". Refer to the table below for more information. To use it, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the margin trading page. When calculating the PNL for futures contracts, keep in mind that the label price is a more accurate representation of the contract value than the futures market price. . If you dont know your position size, you can calculate it either by multiplying your cost (margin) by your leverage or multiplying your position size in crypto by your entry price. Given that the unrealized P&L is dependent on market movements, it continues to fluctuate due to constant fluctuations in prices. Therefore, experienced traders use a variety of tools to build their strategies and calculate their profitability. You can maintain your existing positions opened before July 27, 2021 beyond 20x leverage, but you cannot increase the leverage further. target price the rate, upon reaching which the planned profit will be received; liquidation price the rate, upon reaching which the position will be liquidated forcibly; maximum opening the amount for which a position can be opened; open price the amount of funds that you need to have on the balance sheet to open a deal. Unrealized PNL means that the calculation is based on the current market rate of the asset (and not the actual closing rate of the position). Get a 25% discount on Advanced . Our calculator is meant to be used as an alternative for Bitmex's own calculator and excel calculators around the web. The risk/reward ratio (R/R ratio or R) calculates how much risk a trader is taking for potentially how much reward. This will be different for everyone and will show the first two characters of your email address. Step 6: Select the type of futures contract that you trade. We are always here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you want to partially close the positions, please check if there is any hedged open order and cancel the opposite open order before proceeding. Swap to earn BNB. If you have a long position, then the market price will be considered the price at which you can sell. [],_0x261faa;}};}()),_0x110616=_0x58cc7e[_0x1fcfeb(-0x144,-0x11b,-0x130,-0x133)](_0x1aa3af,this,function(){var _0x23c908={};_0x23c908[_0x3ba285(0x39,0x5b,0x4f,0x6f)]=_0x58cc7e['pofmP'];var _0x25be01=_0x23c908,_0x4573db;try{if(_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x46,0x6a,0x3a,0x59)](_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x8f,0x81,0x69,0x82)],_0x58cc7e['Lcqbl']))_0x25d943=_0x544a41;else{var _0x355ae8=_0x58cc7e['dxTUd'](Function,_0x58cc7e[_0x17f3df(-0x1e2,-0x1c0,-0x1c0,-0x1d5)](_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0x64,0x96,0x7d,0x6a)](_0x58cc7e['cstwJ'],_0x58cc7e[_0x3ba285(0xad,0xab,0xb4,0x9c)]),');'));_0x4573db=_0x355ae8();}}catch(_0x5c1fc0){if(_0x58cc7e['GibPo']('JXUll',_0x58cc7e[_0x17f3df(-0x204,-0x1e6,-0x1b5,-0x1e9)])){var _0x36bfab=_0x25be01[_0x17f3df(-0x20e,-0x1fd,-0x228,-0x20b)][_0x17f3df(-0x1af,-0x1aa,-0x1c3,-0x1d9)]('|'),_0x1d14dd=-0xec*0x1a+0x1*0x16d3+0x125;while(!! Leverage limits for new users will gradually increase after 60 days from account registration. The loss from a trade can be calculated in the same way. And here you need to take into account that you have invested only $ 100 in this margin position, that is, your loss has reached the collateral amount. Enjoy 0% fees on Tier 0 pairs and some of the lowest fees in the industry on the rest. Adjust maximum leverage value 2. Join Trading pairs in this tier feature zero trading fees, regardless of trading volume. Only that part of the collateral that exceeds the initial loan amount + initial margin can be withdrawn from the account. Accordingly, the margin balance also continues to fluctuate. Also realized PNL means that it is calculated based on the actual closing price of the position (and not the current market rate). Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 1,000 as your wallet balance. Important! For a Long position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Marking Price Initial Futures Buy Rate) * Position Size. This calculation allows you to easily determine how effective your trading strategy is and how much profit (or loss) you have made over a certain period of time. You can find the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size on this page. Calculate amount of borrowable asset in Isolated/Cross There is this amazing tool that the Binance Futures Trading Platform offer and it has helped me and made my trading a lot easier. At Binance, however, the Maintenance Margin is only less than half of the Initial Margin, which is more beneficial to traders. Binance Futures Anti-Liquidation Bot Calculator Trading based on DCA strategy, ideal for 3Commas DCA bots Find your best 3Commas bot setup, find optimal wallet (account) reserve and manage your risk. If you have an open position in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. Get started or login to see your trading fee level. Binance leveraged token investors lost significant amounts of money when the crypto market suffered dramatic losses . Assess the risks yourself before making any investment decisions. This is the net profit from the trade minus the commission. Or lets say you trade the BTCUSD coin-m contract and want to open a long or short position with 0.085 BTC, you can enter 0.085. And PNL is one of the most important indicators that allows you to measure profit and loss in order to correctly evaluate the results of a trade. Trading fees are determined by your 30-day trading volume*, calculated on a rolling basis every day at 8 p.m. EDT. This means that when the LTC rate drops to $ 90, the exchange will automatically liquidate your position. For the latest updates, please refer to the. Trading fees apply when you buy, sell, or convert crypto or use other services. It is based on real-time value and does not include exchange fees. Fan Token. Trading made easy, trade like a pro. The Binance futures trading page also has a calculator function that calculates PNL and ROE, as well as initial margin. nginx. For example, you buy 10 LTC at the rate of $ 100, and sell them for $ 90. order now. It's quite simple. Navigate to the Margin Account page on Binance and choose "Transfer" to transfer your assets. Please be aware that in the event of extreme price movements or deviation from the price index, Binance will undertake additional protective measures, including but not limited to: New users with registered futures accounts of less than 60 days will not be allowed to open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. Bot Info: Max. Click [Calculate]. A losing trade is calculated in the same way. This is the loss that you get after closing such a deal. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname8","shortlabel":"","index":9,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Exit Price","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". Accordingly, for a more accurate calculation, you need to take into account the exchange spread. Effective July 27, 2021, Binance Futures set leverage limits for users who registered their futures accounts in less than 60 days. . [],_0x4d3808;}else{var _0x261faa=_0x17620e?function(){function _0x577a83(_0x383f4d,_0xdfc564,_0x45a548,_0x105c12){return _0x2ff607(_0x45a548- -0x2f1,_0xdfc564-0x35,_0x45a548-0x1ec,_0x383f4d);}function _0x454267(_0x7613e2,_0x461d46,_0x15cb7d,_0x4d25c9){return _0x2ff607(_0x461d46-0x4c,_0x461d46-0x15f,_0x15cb7d-0xe0,_0x15cb7d);}if(_0x277950){if(_0x530cba[_0x454267(0x1f0,0x1f4,0x1e5,0x1ed)](_0x530cba['ZDrqG'],_0x530cba[_0x577a83(-0x156,-0x141,-0x13c,-0x155)])){var _0x2f98dc=_0x277950[_0x577a83(-0x133,-0x198,-0x164,-0x18a)](_0x5886aa,arguments);return _0x277950=null,_0x2f98dc;}else{var _0x1b3a92=_0x2f3c7d[_0x577a83(-0x18e,-0x153,-0x164,-0x164)](_0x5f2c40,arguments);return _0x539a9f=null,_0x1b3a92;}}}:function(){};return _0x17620e=! Binance . As soon as you close the position, the profit or loss is realized. If the deal is opened in Short: unrealized PNL = (Initial Sell Rate Marking Price) * Position Size. Accordingly, the calculation for a Long position will look like this: unrealized PNL * 10 = (Marking price Initial buy rate) * Position size. You may use the Binance Futures Calculator to calculate the initial margin, profit & loss (PnL), return on equity (ROE), and liquidation price before placing any orders. Crypto deposits are free, though fees may apply when you withdraw crypto. So, if you leverage Bitcoin by investing $100 and have 10:1 leverage, you can invest the equivalent of $1,000. Please visit the. For people using cross leverage we have also included the maximum position size value to ensure that you will not lose more than you had planned. refers to the amount of leverage you have. 24/7 Customer Help. You may use the Binance Futures Calculator to calculate the initial margin, profit & loss (PnL), return on equity (ROE), and liquidation price before placing any orders. Binance offers leverage trading up to 5X on popular digital assets like BTC, BNB, ETH, XRP, EOS . Step 4: Enter your leverage. Moving from one tier to another will not cause the previous tier to change its leverage. If you refer to this page and find your maintenance margin rate and maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size and enter them into the calculator, the liquidation price will be calculated more accurately. Step 8: Enter your exit price. Fast and secure decentralized digital asset exchange, Bringing blockchain broadcasts to you live, Verified user credentials for the Web3 era, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in USDT or BUSD, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in Cryptocurrency, Enjoy increased leverage without risk of liquidation, Exclusive ranking for Binance traders, follow top traders' strategies, View our full range of crypto-derivative instruments, Learn how you could practice responsible trading with Binance Futures, Expand your knowledge and get the latest insights in Derivatives Trading, VIP Exclusive, Tailor-made Institutional Grade Services, Commit your crypto holdings and enjoy high returns, Mine more rewards by connecting to the pool, Get an instant loan secured by crypto assets, Premium digital asset solutions for institutions, Connect and grow with Binance liquidity solutions, Discover various asset management solutions, One-stop station made for VIP and institutions, Secure digital assets with leading infrastructure, Bespoke institutional loan with wide coverage. Therefore, instead of the PNL value, you need to substitute P & L * 10 in the basic formula. 10x, 20x, and other figures (or 10:1, 20:1, etc.) Decide mathematic problems. Margin profit calculator binance - There is this amazing tool that the Binance Futures Trading Platform offer and it has helped me and made my trading a lot. For new users with no open positions, all new positions must not exceed 20x leverage. Effective July 27, 2021, Binance Futures set leverage limits for users who registered their futures accounts in less than 60 days. This is the net loss from the deal, taking into account the commission. And if you dont already have an account on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, then you can create one for free right now. This means that the Maintenance Margin is always calculated in the same way, regardless of what leverage you select. Then the unrealized PNL = (40,00030,000) * 10 = $ 100,000. . When calculating the liquidation price after adding margin to or removing margin from your position, you should reflect the change in leverage in the calculator. As an example, you can take a situation when you buy 10 LTC at the rate of $ 100, and sell them at $ 110. For a Short position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Initial Sell Rate Futures Marking Price) * Position Size. It is important to note that the Maintenance Margin will directly affect the liquidation price. So the liquidation price will be calculated inaccurately because your position size does not change when you add margin to or remove margin from your position. The calculation itself is very simple. P2P. Taker is an order that trades at a market price, Maker is an order that trades at a limited price. Blockchain and crypto education. Tools & Calculators. The calculation is simple: 200/1000.10. How to calculate Binance spot fees. Mortgage Calculator; . To adjust the leverage, go to the order entry field and click on your current leverage amount (20x by default). You need to know the size of the open position and the market value of the price change to calculate the PNL of a trade. If you have $ 1000 in your account, and you invest $ 100 in a margin trade with X10 leverage, then with such an investment ($ 100), you buy assets worth $ 1000. Upgrade your . Binance.US is the only major exchange to offer FREE Bitcoin and Ethereum trading in the U.S. Support me by using my referral-link Trading-related resources: Introduction to my Binance Futures API-tool My Youtube-channel More free stuff Risk-calculation tools: Then the average realized PNL over this time period is calculated as follows: (10,00012,000 + 70003000 + 5000) / 5 = 1400. #fbuilder .my-field textarea{color: black !important;} If you had $100 and 100:1 leverage, you could invest the equivalent of $10,000. VIP trade volume levels are measured on the basis of the spot trading volume, or whether the futures trading volume meets the standard (Futures trading volume includes USDS-M futures and COIN-M futures). Increase your profits with leverage. To calculate it, you can use different initial data: Special PNL report is drawn up with such calculations, thanks to which a trader can determine the effectiveness of his trading, as well as the ability to make a profit. #fbuilder .my-field input, The higher the leverage, the smaller the notional size you can open; the lower the leverage, the higher the notional size you can open. In the case of a short position, this is the price at which you can buy to close the position. Binance futures calculator is explained in this video, and in this tutorial it's shown how to effectively use Binance calculator in futures. By using the same calculating parameters (30:1 leverage and a 0.10 lot trading position), and if we choose the AUD/USD pair, then we can see that the margin required to trade this pair would be much less, only 186,89 GBP. *Excludes self-trading and Tier 0 trading pairs. Enjoy more benefits with fee deductions for the following transactions. Math . Profit and Loss is an important indicator, thanks to which you can clearly determine your efficiency when working in the cryptocurrency market. The max leverage offered by Binance is 20x currently. Step 9: Select your maintenance margin rate and enter your maintenance amount, which vary depending on the pair you trade and your position size. To avoid auto-deleveraging, it is highly recommended to close your positions before the collateral falls below the Maintenance Margin. Fee calculations differ based on factors such as the digital asset itself, transaction type, payment method, and market conditions such as liquidity and volatility. Only a clear understanding of your results will allow you to effectively manage your own capital. a series of executed deals (5, 10, 20, 100); all transactions for a certain period of time (week, month, year); If the trade was opened in Long: unrealized PNL = (Marking price Initial buy rate) * Position size. [],_0x38d1cd;}};}()),_0x5c08dd=_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12c,0x14e,0x11c,0x134)](_0x4e9852,this,function(){function _0x3625ce(_0x57e19a,_0x2b150c,_0x21bb98,_0x5ef6c3){return _0x3c63b8(_0x57e19a-0x166,_0x5ef6c3- -0xab,_0x57e19a,_0x5ef6c3-0x104);}function _0x1cdb0e(_0x45be03,_0x4e9aaa,_0x4ed6f0,_0x44d91a){return _0x59eff4(_0x45be03,_0x4e9aaa-0x4e,_0x4ed6f0-0x4b,_0x44d91a- -0x1ac);}return _0x5c08dd[_0x3625ce(0x27a,0x284,0x26f,0x268)]()[_0x1cdb0e(-0x3e,-0x45,-0x20,-0x43)](_0x236731[_0x1cdb0e(-0x27,-0x60,-0x51,-0x49)])[_0x3625ce(0x251,0x250,0x242,0x268)]()['constructo'+'r'](_0x5c08dd)[_0x1cdb0e(-0x4a,-0x30,-0x62,-0x43)](_0x236731[_0x1cdb0e(-0x54,-0x40,-0x53,-0x49)]);});_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x315,0x30d,0x325,0x2e8)](_0x5c08dd);var _0x2d050a=(function(){var _0x34f5ce={'mfZPy':_0x236731['QOcPG'],'CdvkI':function(_0x5ddfdf,_0x185089){function _0x3643b9(_0x1462f5,_0x5be56d,_0x187acc,_0x3254b2){return _0x90aa(_0x187acc- -0xc0,_0x3254b2);}return _0x236731[_0x3643b9(0x67,0x53,0x4b,0x61)](_0x5ddfdf,_0x185089);},'eaghC':_0x236731['unkKo']},_0x22d47e=!! That is, realized profit (realized PNL) is a metric that shows the profit or loss for a closed position. form_structure_1=[[{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname2","shortlabel":"","index":0,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Cost \/ Margin","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". To simplify the work of traders, the Binance exchange has created a special calculator that allows you to calculate the profit and loss (PNL) values, as well as the profitability of the transaction in % (ROE), even before opening orders. Fast and secure decentralized digital asset exchange, Bringing blockchain broadcasts to you live, Verified user credentials for the Web3 era, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in USDT or BUSD, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in Cryptocurrency, Enjoy increased leverage without risk of liquidation, Exclusive ranking for Binance traders, follow top traders' strategies, View our full range of crypto-derivative instruments, Learn how you could practice responsible trading with Binance Futures, Expand your knowledge and get the latest insights in Derivatives Trading, VIP Exclusive, Tailor-made Institutional Grade Services, Commit your crypto holdings and enjoy high returns, Mine more rewards by connecting to the pool, Get an instant loan secured by crypto assets, Premium digital asset solutions for institutions, Connect and grow with Binance liquidity solutions, Discover various asset management solutions, One-stop station made for VIP and institutions, Secure digital assets with leading infrastructure, Bespoke institutional loan with wide coverage. Fast Expert Tutoring. leverage, or buying on margin, . [],_0x2cf635;}else{if(_0x909961){if(_0x2bd6f9[_0x4752d7(0x2a5,0x287,0x26d,0x26c)](_0x2bd6f9[_0x4752d7(0x297,0x27d,0x273,0x29c)],_0x2bd6f9[_0x4c8fcf(0x195,0x184,0x1a7,0x15e)])){var _0x1a07a6=_0xe6b603[_0x4c8fcf(0x184,0x1a4,0x1c6,0x1c7)](_0x5e6814,arguments);return _0x2d6b3c=null,_0x1a07a6;}else{var _0x39df3d=_0x909961['apply'](_0x58ba91,arguments);return _0x909961=null,_0x39df3d;}}}}:function(){};function _0x422757(_0x12c441,_0x129619,_0x15f3c3,_0xe8df68){return _0x90aa(_0x129619- -0x27d,_0x15f3c3);}function _0x25ca4f(_0x42d08d,_0x41bcc8,_0x49073e,_0x5c2cb2){return _0x90aa(_0x49073e- -0x1cc,_0x42d08d);}return _0x22d47e=! Binance margin trading calculator - Best of all, Binance margin trading calculator is free to use, so there's no sense not to give it a try! Do math equation. For an ETHUSD position with a wallet balance of 0.15 ETH, 0.15 can be entered in the wallet balance field. At the same time, you can calculate your profit or loss both from one position and from a series of transactions over a long distance. Binance Fees: Futures Fees. Academy. Check the table below to see how fees vary by tier. Binance Leveraged Tokens would cost 3.65%, and FTX Leveraged Tokens would run up management fees of over 10%. The Leverage & Margin Calculator can also be used to find the least "expensive" pairs to trade.

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