maryland board of nursing reporting requirements

Search on a word or phrase, or enter the codification number (search is word-specific unless you add an asterisk *). [(b)](c)CoolAny temperature between[8C and 15C (46 and 59F)]46F and 59F or 8C and 15. (4) A food service floor panty shall include the following: (d) Sink for purposes other than hand washing; (e)Hand washing sink with soap dispenser and disposable paper towel dispenser; and. The administrator shall employ sufficient and satisfactory licensed nursing service personneland support personnel to: (2) Provide appropriate bedside care; and. Exemptions: Out of state patients; Exemption granted by AIDs Administration. (vi) Appropriate use of antiseptics and disinfectants[.] (f) The system provided in laundries may not allow the spread of airborne contaminants to other parts of the nursing home that are occupied by residents, staff not working in the laundry, and the general public. State resources. As an example, click only Title 20, then in the search box, type submeters. The search would take you directly to Title 20, Subtitle 25. certain fraudulent activities and protect A nursing home shall maintain a minimum design temperature of 75F or 24C for all occupied areas. (4) If a facility can demonstrate that because of the experience and training of its personnel and the physical layout and equipment, less supervisory personnel is required, the Department may modify the above requirements for supervision.]. Spaces housing medicine storage cabinet, medicine preparation area, and biological refrigerator shall be under the direct visual control of the nursing or pharmacy staff. The kitchen may not be used for any purpose other than the preparation of food. I. Infectious/Communicable Diseases, HIV Testing, AIDs Diagnoses. These events are listed in the regulations in COMAR Complete transcripts from all Nursing Schools/Programs will need to be emailed to the Maryland Board of Nursing Endorsement Unit. The humidity shall be controlled according to the guidelines prescribed in the Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities. Aresidentshall be provided with the following furnishings, which shall be convenient to theresident: (iv)A chest of drawers with at least one locking drawer; (vi) A wallmirror in each room,unless contraindicated by physicians order; and. Although licensed providers are obligated to report suspected neglect or abuse of a vulnerable adult, non-provider investigators, who are permitted but not obligated to make such reports for adults, may be precluded from doing so if the reporting involves disclosure of protected health information (HIPAA may restrict disclosure of PHI to reports of adult abuse or neglect to those circumstances under which the report is required by law or the circumstances constitute an emergency. The nature of the threat; 2. Again, there are objective tests to determine this. (1) The nursing home shall providea multi-purpose room[is used]for dining, occupationaltherapy,physicaltherapy,and social activities[, there]. (2) The nursing home shall destroy adulterated, deteriorated, or outdated medications in the following manner: (a) Disposal shall occur in the presence of two witnesses who are authorized by the nursing home; and. C. Assistance by Nursing Personnel. The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities. (1) Although daily rounds are primarily the responsibility of the charge nurse or nurses, the director or assistant director of nursing shall periodically make clinical rounds to nursing units, randomly reviewing clinical records, medication orders, resident care plans, and staff assignments and visiting residents. If the[facilitys]nursing homesmedical director does not have special training and experience in diagnosing, treating, and assessing respiratory problems, the[facility]nursing homeshall[hire]employ or contract witha[physician]Board-certified pulmonologistwho has the special knowledge and experience to provide: D. Staffing. The[facility]nursing homeshall submit to the Department and obtain approval of the following: (1) All documents required in Regulation[.14-1].23of this chapter; (2) Policies and procedures for all aspects of care as outlined in Regulation[.14-1C(6)].23of this chapter, and the following: (a) Qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of staff, including the staff who are permitted to perform the following procedures: (iv) Therapeuticchestpercussion and vibration; C. Physician Coordinator. (3) In an existing structure, the nursing home shall comply with the regulations and building codes effective at the date of construction. (3) Local Law or Ordinance, Where Applicable. Disciplines shall record all assessments on a form approved by the Department. A utility sink shall be provided within reasonable distance from the food service department for its use, but it may be shared with other activities. In existing facilities where a physical separation is not possible, exceptions as to approved laundry facilities may be made at the discretion of the Department. B. The Department shall be notified of the name of the assistant director of nursing. Written Agreement. Licensed[comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities]nursing homesand any premises[proposed]that an applicant for a license proposes to[be operated by an applicant for a license]operate shall be open at all times to inspection by the Secretary and by any agency designated by the Secretary. A bodyholdingroom shall be located to facilitate quiet and unobtrusive ingress and egress of bodies, convenient to the elevator and with an isolated exit. (4)For reference purposes, copies of the[patient]residentcare policies shall be readily available to all personnel responsible for[patient]residentcare. (50) Paid feeding assistant means an individual who: (a) Meets the requirements of Regulation .58 of this chapter; and. [.35] .58Resident Care Management System. Thereshall be sufficient space to accommodate all activities without[interference]interferingwith each other. nursing administrator, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or certified For questions or . A. (7) Corridors may not be used to supply air to or exhaust air from any room, except that air from corridors may be used to ventilate bathrooms, toilet rooms, janitors closets, and small electrical or telephone closets opening directly on corridors. As you may recall . New York State Licensed Professions. BLS Healthcare Provider certification from American Heart Association; additional life support training, as applicable to unit requirements., Director of Discipline & ComplianceKaren E. B., Administrative Officer - Discipline: The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. (c) Thefollowing floor areas may not be included in the calculation of floor space: (iii) The floor area occupied by wardrobes, bureaus, or lockers, when permanently installed as part of walls or ceilings and as a permanent component of a bedroom; (iv)HVAC equipment, including any steam, water, or electrical supply or return linesthatmay run parallel to the floor or interrupt the floor surface; (v) Supportcolumns, pipe chases, or otherstructures, whether free-standing or as an integral part of a wall; and. (4) The[facility]nursing homeshall require employees to perform hand hygienebefore andafter each direct resident contact for which hand hygiene is indicated by accepted professional practice. [There]The nursing homeshall[be provided]provideone or more attractively furnished areas of adequate size for resident dining, occupational therapy, and social activities. .20 Nursing ServicesDirector of Nursing. Spaces housing medicine storage cabinet, medicine preparation area, and biological refrigerator shall be under the direct visual control of the nursing or pharmacy staff.]. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Contact the Discipline & Compliance Division, For general inquiries (Discipline): The lock on the door of a medication room shall be counted as one of the two locks. Pharmaceutical services shall be under the general supervision of a licensed pharmacist who shall: (a) With the advice of the pharmaceutical services committee, be responsible for developing, coordinating, and supervising pharmaceutical services and provide in-service training at least twice yearly; (b) Visit the nursing home frequently enough to assure that policies and procedures established by the pharmaceutical services committee are enforced; (c) Notify the attending physician of any potential drug problems found during the drug regimen review; and. (4) If the resident refuses to be immunized, the nursing home shall document the refusal and the reason for the refusal. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free F. Employee Health Oversight. (3) At least one nourishment pantry convenient to the nursing station shall be provided on each floor in facilities using a centralized food service system. (a) Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) meansa standardized and reproducible resident assessment process based on completion of Minimum Data Set (MDS) screening items, and including the MDS Care Area Assessment process, and related process for care planning and evaluation. The reporting requirements also do not apply if the specimen is taken from a patient known to reside outside of Maryland, or is tested as part of a research project granted an exemption by the Director of AIDs Administration. (2) The information disclosed shall explain the additional care provided in each of the following areas: (a) The Dementia special care units written statement of its overall philosophy and mission, which reflects the needs of residents with dementia; (b) The process and criteria for placement, transfer, or discharge from the unit; (c) The process used for individualized assessment and establishing the resident-centered plan of care and its implementation, including the method by which the plan of care evolves and is responsive to changes in the individuals condition; (d) Staff training and continuing education practices; (e) The physical environment and design features appropriate to support the functioning of cognitively impaired adult residents; (f) The frequency and types of resident activities; (g) The involvement of families and family support programs; and. (72) Speech-language pathologist means an individual licensed by the State Board of Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. In developing these regulations, the Board learned that different hospitals use vastly different terminology to describe similar actions. D. Conversion, Alteration, and Additions. (3) Nursing, housekeeping, laundry, or other personnel may not be[utilized]usedas[dietetic]food servicestaff., Safe Practice Monitor: (a) Air handling duct systems shall meet the requirements applicable to nursing homes cited in NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code. This meal represents, To the extent medical orders permit, bedtime nourishments shall be offered routinely to all. The additional cost to hire or contract with a licensed social worker is estimated to be $11,000 annually. [.39] .62Geriatric Nursing AssistantTrainingProgram. (11) A training program shall provide at least 16 hours of training prior to a trainees direct assignment to resident care. The attending physician shall: (5) For a resident who is to be transferred to the care of another[health care practitioner]attending physician, continue to provide all necessarymedical care and services pending transfer until anotherattendingphysicianhas accepted responsibility for the resident. A license or certificate exists even if it is inactive, Laurie has 1 job listed on their profile. The nursing home shall provide for an organized nursing service, under the direction of a full-time registerednurse. Exceptions may be made in part at the discretion of the Department for an individual facility only when the facility can demonstrate compliance with the intent of this section by showing an effective patient call system to provide quality patient care. A staff memberwho isqualified by experience or training shall be appointed to be responsible for the activities program. (6) Ifthe licensed capacity of a[facility]nursing homeis increased, orifmeals are provided to anyone outside of the[facility]nursing homefrom the food service area of the[facility]nursing home, the[facility]nursing homeshall provideanadditional food service area in accordance with[F(1), (3), and (4) of this regulation]this chapter. The Mandated 10-Day Report Form is required. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. (3)Audiologist means an individual who holds a Maryland license issued by the State Board of Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dealers, and Speech-Language Pathologists. This Search feature provides a chart of the 36 COMAR Titles, and allows a focused search of a specific Title. (1)Nursing service personnel shall provide care appropriate to theresidentsneeds with the organizational plan, authority, functions, and duties clearlydefined. Yes. [(b) Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel.]. B. 22, December 2000, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, is incorporated by reference.]. G. Boiler rooms. [.16].28Laboratory and Radiologic Services. Policies shall provide for the coordination of rehabilitative services and the rehabilitative aspects of nursing. (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. Frequently Asked Questions & Practice Topics, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. B. (2) Existing Facility. [Applicants unable to obtain certification of oral competency in the English language, which is required in A(3)(e) of this regulation, from the school of nursing or the state of original licensure, may evidence of competency by obtaining a minimum passing score, as determined by the Board, on the Test of Spoken English administered by the Educational Testing Service before applying for . If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. accessible and convenient, and (13) Deficiency means a condition existing in a nursing home or an action or inaction by the nursing home staff that results in potential for more than minimal harm, actual harm, or serious and immediate threat to one or more residents. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. In person purchases can be made at 16 Francis Street - Wineland Building, There shall be sufficient equipment to meet the needs of the. (c) The name of the authorized prescriber who prescribed the medication. (a) The emergency power source shall be a generating set and prime mover located on the premises with automatic transfer. An existing nursing home shall provide for adequate ventilation through windows or mechanical means or a combination of both. B. (2)The nursing home shall require that employees who are not immune to measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella receive immunization for measles, mumps, rubella, or varicella, unlessmedically contraindicated or against the employees religious beliefs. ), Comments may be sent to Jake Whitaker, Acting Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to, or fax to 410-767-6483. Licensed, (1) The licensee, if not acting as an administrator, shall appoint as administrator a responsible person who is. C. The[facility]nursing homeshall obtain Departmental approval of the following pertaining to thespecial care unit: (2) An organization chartofthe special care unitandits[inter-relatedness]relationshipto the rest of the nursing[facility]home; (5) A quality assurance plan which includes: (b) Identification of the[most important]predominantaspects of care provided; (b) The administration of[medicines unique to the needs of]medicationsthat are relevant tothe special care residents; (9) An inventory of[the]anyspecialized equipment to be housed[in]onthe unit to provide services in the special care unit. A. The bed shall be at least 36 inches wideandbe substantially constructed. (1)New Construction. (1)Current medical records and those of discharged[patients]residentsshall be completed promptly. (a) Results of tuberculin skin tests, recorded in millimeters of induration with dates of administration, dates of reading, results of test, and the manufacturer and lot number of the purified protein derivative (PPD) solution used; (b) Results of chest x-rays required in this regulation; and. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall obtain information concerning the[communicable]infectiousdisease status of any resident being transferred or[discharged]admittedto the[facility]nursing homefromelsewhere. (f) Smoke dampers shall be equipped with automatic remote control reset devices, except that manual reopening will be permitted if smoke dampers are accessible. Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. . (a) Relocation means the movement of a resident from one room to another within: (i) The same Medicare-certified nursing home; (ii) A Medicaid-only certified nursing home; or. This brings you back to the 20.25.01 General Regulations we found in Search Option 1. If you are unable to find the exact regulation, contact the Division of State Documents at: To report Waste, Fraud or Abuse to the Office of Legislative Audits. (4) A computer system with a monitor or other electronic display device may be installed to replace the call system enunciator, as long as it reveals the location where the signal originated and sounds an audible alert tone. Schedule II drugs shall be kept in separately locked, securely fixed boxes or drawers in a cabinet, under two locks, keyed differently; medicine storage and preparation area with illumination of 100 footcandles at the work counter; preparation area shall include a small sink set into the counter or with drain boards; biological refrigerator. Once the complaint is received at the Board office, an Effective in 2013. B. (a) The nursing home shall provide residentswith theirown bed. Acall system shall be installed and maintained in operating order in all nursing units. B. Position Specifications: (must meet requirements for employment) Education: . A nursing home shall develop written policies consistent with Regulation .11 of this chapter pertaining to: [(3)](2)[Patients]Residentsrights[. You will need to complete an English Proficiency Exam, Take either the TOEFL IBT or the IELTS o Have scores sent to the Maryland Board of Nursing, A score of 26 is passing on the TOEFL IBT, The Board accepts the IELTS if administered on October 01,2005, or later, A score of 7 on speaking, 6 on all other modules, and 6.5 overall is passing on the IELTS, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), (2)All clinical information pertaining to a[patients]residentsstay shall be centralized in the[patients]residentsmedical record. (5) A call system shall provide visual lights at corridor intersections, in multi-corridor nursing units. [Appropriate action shall be taken.]. Information reported to the D. The Quality Assurance Committee. (3) If warranted, the director of nursing shallreportthe matter to themedical director orprincipal physician. (c) Following any changes in the initial registration of the four representatives, a nursing home shall update the information within 5 business days of the change. COMAR regulations are Maryland State agency regulations, which are referenced by Title numbers (currently 1-36).

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maryland board of nursing reporting requirements