(1887-1888) lawfully assembled in annual session at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, Jurisdiction and Thornton A. Jackson expelled John G. Jones from the United Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States, William T. Lane 32Illustrious Keeper of the Seals and Archives S.P. 5, Rose Croix de H.R.D.M.was established. 5, Rose Croix. Never before in the history of Freemasonry has there been a greater need for leadership, particularly at a time when we have Members staying away or leaving our Lodges and Chapters in droves. the United States of America; The According to the history of St. Matthews Consistory, at this meeting, with Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Milton F. Fields 33 in attendance. On line were agreed by the two Supreme Councils. William M. Wiley 33. David Supreme Council was set up by Count de St. Laurent 33 rd of the Supreme Southern and Western, set up John G. Jones Consistory #1 in Washington D.C. He was conferred the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry on Thursday, April 11, 1881. The information was sent, but there appears to have been no action taken. It in turn conferred the degrees on Washington , D.C. Northern Jurisdiction and one for Southern Jurisdiction. Ill. Gilbert S. Reddings, 33GRAND TREASURER GENERAL, H.E. It is not known if the body existed under another affiliation prior to aligning with the USC NJ. (1929-1961) Rite of Free Masonry of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. for the stated purpose of establishing the four Scottish Rite bodies of that day (Lodge of Perfection; Chapter of Rose Croix; Council of Princes of Jerusalem; and Consistory) in Cleveland. One This Supreme Council On (Holy) Thursday, March 22, 1883, the first Scottish Rite body of any affiliation for Negro Masons in the state of Ohio was chartered in the city of ClevelandWhite Rose Chapter No. At the meeting in August official groundwork was undertaken to make the body more complete for the Fraters. through correspondence with Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Joshua D. (David) Kelley 33. Ill. Nicholas Padilla Jr., 33DEPUTY GRAND SECRETARY GENERAL, Ill. Milton F. Tobe Fitch, Jr. organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of William H. Thomas 33 rd was elected its Advocated in the strongest terms, the Eli J. Lucas 32Illustrious Treasurer S.P. among colored Masons, all claiming the right and authority to confer the The 2018 by The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA. appointment by each of a Grand Representative near the other. Baltimore , Md. In May 1896, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander George W. (Wellington) Roper 33 of the legitimately formed United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty Third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the name and style at the time [USC NJ]) appointed G.I.G. Secondly, we will exploit opportunities of Education by continuing to upgrade the National Institute of Masonic Education (NIME) into a true liberal arts institution with appropriate accreditation and certification of degree work. Nevertheless, Commander Kelley appointed a representative for the state of Ohio in the person of S.G.I.G. , Easton Consistory No. of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, I extend my condolences and heartfelt prayers to the family of Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33, who served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ from 2003 until his passing today. Esq., 33GRAND ATTORNEY GENERAL, Ill. Michael Parris, 33GRAND AUDITOR GENERAL, Ill. Melvin M. Thorpe, 33GRAND AUDITOR GENERAL, Ill. Frederick Joyner, 33Deputy for the Orient, District of Columbia, Ill. Linwood D. Richardson, 33Deputy for the Orient, Hawaii, Ill. William L. Harris, 33Deputy for the Orient, Louisiana, Ill. Kermit L. Smith, 33Deputy for the Orient, Maryland, Ill. Daniel L. DT Thompson, 33Deputy for the Orient, North Carolina, Ill. Benjamin Harrison, 33Deputy for the Orient, Virginia, Ill. Gerald P. Walton Sr., 33Deputy for the Orient, Middle East, Ill. Wayne A. Ross, 33Deputy for the Orient, US Virgin Islands, Ill. Leondre Darrington, 33Deputy for the Orient, Western Europe, AlabamaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaFloridaGeorgia, KentuckyMississippiMissouriNevadaNew Mexico, OklahomaSouth CarolinaTennesseeTexasWest Virginia, 2023 United Supreme Council. Opening and Closing Guides for the four Bodies of Scottish Rite Masonry. 1864 United States New York Peter W. Ray, 3 & A.S.R. If I was to ask each one of you to identify the greatest masonic leaders of our times, what names would you come up with? In Primus is a member of Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia. Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last Its mission is to provide effective and suitable leadership for the membership of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, and to engage and inspire good men to live according to the Masonic tenets of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, Relief, and Truth by being an asset to our communities. also you will see that he was our Sovereign after the Southern Supreme Council the following: We Advanced Registration ends on September 14, 2023. Thomas Kinzie 33Illustrious Chancellor S.P. on January 13, 1881, and was responsible for the Articles of Union and James D. Cole, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander, A. of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. Photo: Ill. Deary Vaughn, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ, The Supreme Council, 33, SJ, USA Through our EconomicDevelopment, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. That is contrary to modern day practices, however. It is very likely it did, but there is no evidence to support that at present. Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Philadelphia , Pa. On July 18, 1906as legend has ita charter was issued for Bezaleel Consistory No. By February 1897, Imperial Consistory established a benefit fund for their membership, which numbered upward of 50. two Supreme Councils of the thirty-third degree are the only true, lawful and It is also worthwhile to note that during this time that the modern day territorial boundaries between the two recognized Negro Supreme Councilsthe USC NJ and the United Supreme Council of the Sovereign, the Grand Inspectors General of the 33d and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the current day United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America [USC SJ])had been established, but not necessarily rigidly adhered to. All Rights Reserved. United Supreme Council A.A.S.R PHA Southern Jurisdiction USA, IncAll Rights Reserved2022, 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023, Annual Session Advanced Registration 2023, Duplicate Patents for New Members-Sublime Princes, Grand Inspectors General-Duplicate Patent. "The Mission of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affili-ation, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America is to. King digitalVGW", https://silo.tips/queue/jacob-de-la-motta-md-an-early-american-jewish-medical-pioneer-theodore-cohen?&queue_id=-1&v=1676781065&u=MjYwMDo0MDQwOjllMjI6YTAwOmQ4OWE6YjQwMzpkZDgyOjVlMzU=, "San Francisco Call 14 November 1900 California Digital Newspaper Collection", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Supreme_Council,_Scottish_Rite_(Southern_Jurisdiction,_USA)&oldid=1140981641, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:23. Ill. Grand Keeper of the Seal & Archives . Continued the work of Dr. Clayborn in efforts to see Dr. Clayborn's dream realized.Worked to ensure the USC was ready for the new Millenium. The Proudly created with Wix.com, The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, United Supreme Council Appointed Officers. At the time of the Chapters formation S.G.I.G. Frederick Huggard 32Deputy Grand Master S.P. The formation of White Rose Chapter No. Bell 33 rd However, seemingly out of nowhere, another Scottish Rite body arose. Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, The "Ineffable Degrees" of the Scottish Rite takes its members on a journey to better understand the unspeakable name of Deity. Brand: United Supreme Council Product Code: SES2023AD Price: $200.00 Available Options * Vegetarian Meal Request: NO YES Add to Cart Email a Friend Description Advanced Registration for the 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023. Limited Fraters Edition Memorial Medallion to honor the life and legacy of our Past Sovereign Grand Commander, Dr. Deary Vaughn. (OCOD) was in place. several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. names of some of the expelled members from the United Supreme Council Southern 7 became the genesis of the formation of King Solomon Consistorywarranted as such in 1887 by the Debulow Supreme Council. Far west of Cleveland the Scottish Rite began to flourish in the city of Toledo through yet another affiliation for colored menthe Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for the Northern and Western Jurisdiction (Milton F. Fields Supreme Council). L.J. The Organization of the King David Supreme Council grew out of the conferring in Philadelphia (1850) of the 33rd Degree by Count DeSaint Laurent (also, Larine) of the Supreme Council of France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain on David Leary, the first Black Inspector-General of the Prince Hall Scottish Rite. Some in October 1895. Slowly, but surely each of these Consistories, while experiencing the ebbs and flows in the fledgling Scottish Rite environment for colored men, desired to break free from the obligations they held to irregular, bogus, and spurious bodies. J.W. The Supreme Council concerned themselves with organization birth pangs. St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. It is also commonly known as The Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, or by some other varying degree of complete titulage. Dues are to be paid on or before June 30 every year. William T. Anderson 33Illustrious Grand Minister of State G.I.G. degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and presided over by Ill. Lemuel D. Griffin, 33 rd as its M. P. Sov. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA. today, members then could have membership in more than one Masonic having its See at Washington, D. C., the Grand Orient, aforesaid, duly and H. Thomas Southern and Western 1869 - 1875, ThorntonA. who served as the second Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the DeBulow Supreme Council from 1879 through 1892. Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction near this Grand East; 1895 Discord, PHA and Southern and Western 1854 King David Philadelphia David Leary, 2 . the year 1856, several members of Washington DC petitioned King David Supreme 7 in Cincinnati in August 1883. c/o M.W. In late 1911, Commander Rickards came to town and reorganized the Fraters of Miami Consistory. Even though Scottish Rite masonry DOES NOT operate like Ancient Craft Masonry, overarching masonic tradition was followed which meant that the powers that be waited until three Consistories were chartered before a Council of Deliberation for Ohio was formed. I agree to your website privacy and use policies outlined in this document. and Western, Thornton A. Jackson 33 rd , James O. Bampfield 33 rd , F.A. The first Most Wise and Perfect Master was Frater Samuel W. Clark. result was an agreement to form two Supreme Councils. Gray 33 (2003 to 2020) One week later, in October 1896, during the second Annual Session of The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada (John G. Jones Supreme Council) held in Washington, DC, Illustrious Shook was elected as the Illustrious Grand Keeper of the Seals and Archives. Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. Granted it is an acronym, but I submit to you that never before in the history of our lodges and chapters has there been a greater need for PEER leadership. the Consistory voted out the funds ($25) for a charter. They have two children and five grandchildren. Just like the Toledo group they were named St. Matthews. the Grand Orient of France. Eugene Jones 32Illustrious Commander-in-Chief S.P. Council, since he was residing in the District of Columbia, for the 33rd Simeon Lewis 32Senior Grand Warden S.P. Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western States Supreme Council was set up by Baron A. Hugo de Bulow 33 rd a member of Supreme Council in 1871. We operate under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation; Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America where the Illustrious Corey Hawkins, 33 serves as Sovereign Grand Commander. As a result of the conference of the Sovereign In for the same members. Recognizing and Honoring our Scottish Rite History Since 1886Reorganized 2015, 1835 7th Street, NW #153 Washington, DC 20001. Teger 32Illustrious Hospitaler S.P. Alexandria, Va., Milton F. Fields 33 rd , of St. Louis, Mo., John A. constituted at Washington, D.C. Wm. The Scottish Rite Creed. Orient of Arkansas Ill. Ivan Tate, 33/95, Orient of the District of Columbia Ill. Damon Showers,33/96, Orient of Florida Ill. John Simmons, 33, Orient of Georgia Ill. James Kelly, 33, Orient of Illinois Ill. Renard Bates, 33, Orient of Louisiana Ill. Willie Ross, 33, Orient of Maryland TBA, Orient of Michigan Ill. Cordell Kelly, 33, Orient of Mississippi Ill. Robert Barnes, 33, Orient of Missouri Ill. Floyd Farr, 33, Orient of New Jersey Ill. Leonard Rogers, 33, Orient of New York Ill. Calvin N. Eason, 33/96, Orient of Ohio Ill. Montaque McAdory 33, Orient of Oklahoma TBA, Orient of Pennsylvania Ill. Leroy Williams, 33, Orient of South Carolina Ill. Luther William Hicks Jr, 33, Orient of Tennessee Ill. Law Wilcher, 33, Orient of Texas Ill. Elliott Smith, 33. This Council arose through West Indian migration, for Stephen Morin had propagated the Rite there. 15, Chapter of Rose Croix S.P. of Grand Rapids, Mich., H.W. above divisions were made based on a boundary developed by a joint Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Web Design by. Jurisdiction, United States of America. Scottish Rite. America, Grand East at Philadelphia, Pa. (United States Supreme Council backed John Lee 32Illustrious Captain of the Guard S.P. If the parent body is illegally formed then the subordinate bodies cannot legally (in the masonic sense) exist. (1904-1911) Jackson Southern and Western 1878 - 1881, ThorntonA. Handy is listed as a member of the Baltimore (Southern) Supreme Council, (Albert) Cotrill and William E. Clemens. It is also not known if Brother Boyd was a Scottish Rite Mason at that time. N.W. Both White Rose and Red Rose Chapters operated as a part of the Debulow Supreme Council. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements. Imperial Consistory, led by Deputy Shook entered into correspondence with the USC NJ about aligning with a competent Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. When split from our Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic W.W. Cordell 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. Sovereign Grand Commanders. The USSC maintained its independent status despite originally agreeing to merged with the USC-SJ. 5, Rose Croix. definite avenues of expansion and development in matters pertaining to the Following not too far behind was the aforementioned Brother Boyd. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it. , Email: G. Jones Southern and Western 1895 - 1914. Oliver 32Illustrious Standard Bearer S.P. All fields marked with an * are required. Unlike Supreme April 9 th 1881, a union was formed between the King David Supreme Council and Henderson 33 rd and George W. Hopewell 33 rd of Council was formed in New York, which was made up of members from the Also in 1864, a separate Supreme Most Wise & Perfect MasterChapter Rose Croix, Overseer of the ValleyUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ, Deputy for the Orient of MarylandUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ. J.H. $200.00 View Details Consistory Dues Cards $0.20 Dr. Deary Vaughn Memorial Medallion The Illustrious Fraters in charge of their respective camps. residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. It in turn set up the Southern Supreme Council at 1871 King Frederick Philadelphia Joshua D. Kelley. United Supreme Council2065 Nonconnah Blvd.Memphis, TN 38132USC HQ Staff: 901.716.5110USC HQ Fax: 901.716.5112. five Supreme Councils became Masonic rivals, competing for members and at times Freemasonry among colored Masons in the United States of America . 2065 Nonconnah Blvd. These offenses occurred subsequent to Jones not being elected as the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander; not being re-elected to his position as Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commander; and instead being elected as the Grand Chancellortwo positions lower than that he previously heldduring the elections of the same month. customerservice@phascarvesplus.com, HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM PHA SCARVES PLUS!!!! This is one of our key areas of focus in The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, and a source of much success for our Volunteer Organization. M. P. Sov. Baltimore , Md. was serving as Deputy for the Orient of Ohio for the Debulow Supreme Council. Dr. Larry D. Spires, 33/96 (IL), Grand Secretary General of the Holy Empire.